
1st Place Winners and Participants in Concours d'art oratoire!

Canadian Parents for French held their annual Concours d’art oratoire (provincial French public speaking competition) on Saturday, April 23, 2016 at Mount Saint  Vincent University. The Concours d’art oratoire allows Canadian Parents for French to sponsor an activity where students from across the province express themselves and are recognized for their talents in French public speaking.

This year 5 brave, hard-working students participated from the High School: Anisha Ravaselvam, Gabrielle Côté, Genevieve Cunningham, Andrea Field and Annie Xu. Anisha Ravaselvam, Geneviève Cunningham and Annie Xu were 1st place finishers!  As well Annie Xu won a trip to Gatineau, Quebec to participate in the National Concours d'Art Oratoire on May 28th. Félicitations, les filles nous sommes très fiers de vous.

Mme Davis

Well done, ladies!