
Youth & Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) & The Winner is...

For a number of years, Sacred Heart High School grade 9 girls have worked on the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI).   The programme teaches students about social issues in their community, the grass roots organizations that are working to address those issues, and how they can help and become more engaged. The students work in teams to create a presentation about their issue and organization culminating in one team winning a $5,000 grant from the Toskan-Casale Foundation for their charity. 

This year's winner is Supportive Housing for Young Mothers (SHYM).  This organization helps young mothers and their children develop the skills they need to build strong families in a safe, stable and nurturing environment.  SHYM enables young mothers learn about and focus on parenting.  Young mothers are offered group programming aimed at health promotion, independent living/household management skills, parenting skills, and building knowledge in the areas of child development, domestic abuse, healthy relationships, self-advocacy, poverty, and racism.  Support, education, referrals, and advocacy are provided to assist young mothers in returning to school and/or work and pursuing their goals.

Our grade nine grant winners are:

Hannah, Jessica, Caroline and Molly (Molly is absent from the photos) 

Congratulations to the grant winners and we are thrilled the funds will go to SHYM!