
Sacred Heart Exchange Programme

Sacred Heart School of Halifax is part of an international network of schools. Our high school students have the opportunity to go on exchange to another Sacred Heart school around the world and are hosted by families. Here are some of the most recent exchanges taking place now or have taken place. If you want to learn more about our incredible opportunities for your son or daughter, please contact Charlotte Riley for the girls' high school at criley@shsh.ca or Monica Rojo at mrojo@shsh.ca for the boys' high school.

Juliana Murphy Gr 9 hosting Marguerite Roger Nantes Gr 9R Jan 30- March 27 

Emma McLean hosting Sydney Cristan, Grand Coteau, Louisiana, Feb 13-21 2015 COMPLETED

March- April ‘15

Sandler Gordon Gr 11 travelling Bondues France Feb 24- March 24 2015
hosting Noémie Ghesquier Bondues France  IN PROGRESS

Mia Ferguson Gr 10, Ailie Sullivan Gr 9,  travelling Mexico City February 28- March 29 2015 

Alex Baillie- travelling Mt Anville, Dublin, IN PROGRESS

Emma McLean Gr 11- travelling Grand Coteau, March 14-April 5 2015

Holly Stuart Gr 10 travelling Omaha, NE, hosting Sarah Schmidt Oct ‘15

Lucinda Sande Gr 9 travelling Nantes, France, hosting Pauline Bouche Nantes Apr 4- May 11

Mia Ferguson is visiting Paola Monroy an international student from Mexico City who spent Gr 8 in Mia's class

Andrea and Rachel Field are visiting their hosts Lucie Cortier and Eugénie Perthame in both Bondues and Nantes, France

Emma Mclean boarding at Grand Coteau, riding at their Equestrian Centre and doing a Service Project in New Orleans before returning Halifax.

Friendships that last a lifetime!