
Elementary Update

A colleague of mine shared a quote with me yesterday that resonates:  Prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.  It is so tempting to want to line things up so that our children will not have to face any trouble, particularly with the headline news of the past few days.  Sometimes in our haste we jump to solve their problems for them.  And without question, it is imperative that we as parents and teachers play a crucial role in guiding our children, ensuring their safety and providing opportunities for them to grow and flourish.  At the same time, it’s worth us stepping back and looking at how much do we do for our children, and how much we allow them to try themselves.

 We all wore pink yesterday because awareness is important on the path.  Your children were asked to ponder the question, How do we keep bullying out of our school?  It never ceases to amaze me how clearly our children see and understand what we need to do.  Here are some of the many responses we received:  Try being kind to others even if they look different from you… We can stop bullying by being kind and never stop being kind…  If we witness it we tell an adult immediately.  We don’t fight back because then we are bullies too… We treat everyone equally.  Give everyone a chance to speak… We try to help others.  If we help others who are bullies then maybe the bullies will change…  We can stop bullying by not just standing there but trying to help…  Treat everyone the way you want to be treated…

 Our children keep growing.  As they grow, they want and need more independence.  They’re headed toward adolescence then adulthood.  A time will come when we’re not there to watch them play or sign their agendas.  We’re traveling with them to that place.  That’s what we’re trying to do here.  At Sacred Heart we call it personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom, and we work tirelessly to ensure that it happens for every child.

In India, we have a saying:
“Everything will be alright in the end.” 
So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end."
(Sonny in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel)