A team of 4 boys from
Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart Paul Kim, Alex Bickford, Michael
MacGregor, and Oisin Heavey entered the senior high Nova Scotia School Team
Provincials Chess Tournament held on Sunday April 28th. They took 1st place. Congratulations, gentlemen!
French Gold and Silver - Annual Provincial Public Speaking Competition - Concours d'Art Oratoire
Congratulations to the following Sacred Heart students for winning, gold and silver medals this past weekend at the Concours d'Art Oratoire held at Mount Saint Vincent University:
Maria Samman- Gold medal, Gr 7/8 Integrated Core for her speech on Thomas Edison
Annie Xu- Silver medal, Gr 7/8 Integrated Core for her speech on Immortality
Kinza Hart- Gold medal, 9/10 Middle Immersion for her speech on the Environment
As well as winning medals at the Concours Maria wins a week at CPF Camp Kadimah this summer and Kinza wins a week at the Terry Fox Centre in Ottawa for the Encounters Canada/ Rencontres Canada bilingual programme.
Andy Samman - Gold medal, competed in the 9/10 Core French category. Andy also won a week at the Terry Fox Centre in Ottawa for the Encounters Canada/ Rencontres Canada bilingual programme. His speech was about the revolution in Syria.
Many thanks to Canadian Parents for French NS Chapter for organizing this annual provincial public speaking competition in French.
Maria Samman- Gold medal, Gr 7/8 Integrated Core for her speech on Thomas Edison
Annie Xu- Silver medal, Gr 7/8 Integrated Core for her speech on Immortality
Kinza Hart- Gold medal, 9/10 Middle Immersion for her speech on the Environment
As well as winning medals at the Concours Maria wins a week at CPF Camp Kadimah this summer and Kinza wins a week at the Terry Fox Centre in Ottawa for the Encounters Canada/ Rencontres Canada bilingual programme.
Andy Samman - Gold medal, competed in the 9/10 Core French category. Andy also won a week at the Terry Fox Centre in Ottawa for the Encounters Canada/ Rencontres Canada bilingual programme. His speech was about the revolution in Syria.
Many thanks to Canadian Parents for French NS Chapter for organizing this annual provincial public speaking competition in French.
Fencing Gold for Michael Malek!
Michael Malek, Gr. 11, won Fencing gold in Junior Epee and Cadet Epee (Junior and Intermediate) at the New Brunswick provincial championships. (In fencing, anyone can compete in any provinces's provincials.) This gets him one step closer to being chosen for the Canada Games team for Nova Scotia. Congratulations to Michael!
Grandparents' Day 2013

We enjoyed the privilege of welcoming over 200 of our grandparents to school yesterday. From Preschool to Grade 12, our school was buzzing with intergenerational joy as high school students entertained, elementary students shared their experience of Primes, and our preschoolers sang at a tea party. We are grateful to the many people who made this day memorable and we were honoured by our guests - from the 93 and 99 year-old grandfathers (true gentlemen!) to the sprightly grandmothers

Headmistress' Letter: April 19, 2013
Headmistress' Letter: April 19, 2013
Dear Colleagues and Families,
Greetings from Omaha!
Here, the grass is green and buds are ready to burst; April is usually a mild and very colourful month - HOWEVER, we had rain mixed with snow as I prepared a talk for the high school girls. The folks here are not impressed with my souvenir (weather) from Halifax!
Over the past six days I have been fortunate to attend a couple of back-to-back conferences. The AASH (Associated Alumnae/i of the Sacred Heart) included 250 participants, 11 of us from Canada. We were inspired by presentations and connections with new friends and those from years past. I had the privilege of facilitating a panel of young alumnae who are doing wonderful humanitarian work with World Vision, national agencies, and for people in Africa.
On Sunday, Jon Bekkers flew into town to join me for the Network membership meeting of the Heads of School and Board Chairpersons for the 22 Sacred Heart Schools in the United States. (We affectionately call this the 'Heads and Chairs' meeting.) During her final year as Headmistress of SHSH, Patricia Donnelly pursued the possibility of our School joining the Network of Schools in the US. Subsequently (and unrelated), the Religious of the Sacred Heart in Canada decided to formally request to join with the RSCJ in the United States; the transition in governance will happen in July. When this occurs, SHSH (and our sister school in Montreal) will be in unique positions to formally join the Network - giving us the opportunity for mutual support in advancing our unique mission as articulated in the Goals and Criteria.
The Duchesne students in Omaha are much like our Halifax students - kind, keen, and friendly, attentive, focused and fun-loving. Duchese, my alma mater, is comprised of a coed preschool of 65 students, and a high school (Gr. 9-12) with 300 girls. For the past six years, I have been a member of the Board of Trustees, and today I will attend the final meeting of my tenure. It has been wonderful to be here, but I miss you and look forward to returning to Halifax tomorrow.
This brings love and prayers from the Heartland,
Sr. Wachter
Prayer Corner
(Requests may be sent to Patricia Nichols or Sr. Wachter)
Our sympathies for the Ryan family on the death of Frances Ryan, paternal grandmother of Olivia, Lauren, Jack and Rachel. Our prayers are also with the McCrea family on the passing of Ben McCrea, parent of alumna and Board member Alison McCrea, paternal grandfather of Grace (Grade 9), and husband of Joanne, our beloved library volunteer.
Ravindran Pulyassary uncle of Aparna Gopakumar in Primary is ill.
Congratulations to Ben Carver, Julia Ballesteros and Teagan Kinghorne who will make their First Communion on May 5th at St. Theresa's Parish. The Grade 12 girls are on retreat today, Friday, April 19. We pray for this important time for them. Our Grade 12 boys will have their retreat in late May.
All three divisions of the school have celebrated Easter Liturgies - may the promise of new life be realized through experiences of God's unconditional love. Our hearts are united with the people of the Boston Area, and all who are recovering and those grieving the loss of loved ones after the tragedy at the Marathon on Monday.
The Headmistress of Sacred Heart in the suburb of Newton returned to Boston from Omaha, hopeful that the members of the school community were alright, and today she canceled school as authorities search for the remaining person(s) suspected of doing this heinous act. Several RSCJ live in the Newton/Watertown Area. Your prayers are appreciated.
Three Cheers For...
(Future Submissions to Patricia Nichols)
Coach Casey and Donahoe Cup participants: Teams from SH placed 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 8th out of 62 teams and individually our debaters held spots in the top 15 out of over 100 debaters from across Canada. Three cheers to families who housed debaters from away, those who judged the tournament, and to Ms. Scott, Mr. Marchand, Ms. Donnelly, and a host of volunteers who organized everything from space needs and food to prizes and clean-up.
Our Sr. High debate team of Jake Marchand, Alexander Sapp and Sebastian Young recently placed 5th in the Province at the Sr. High Provincial Debate Tourney.
Three cheers to Monica Rodriguez and her team for the Woozles Book Fair that was held on campus this week.
Our Elementary Choir competed at the Kiwanis Music Festival and won a silver medal!
This week, at the Elementary Liturgy prepared by the Senior Primary students, Mr. Tugwell and Fr. Earl called forth and blessed a number of Sacred Heart babies. It was a special moment of pride for those with infant or toddler siblings, and it was special to welcome children of alumnae and others.
Last week the Elementary School participated in the Heart and Stroke Foundation's Jump Rope for Heart. The skippers worked hard and raised over $4,000 in an eight day period of time - incredible!
The 'Sound of Plaid' continues to ring in my ears - three cheers for all who were in the cast and crew, or had a leadership role in directing the production. And, Sabrina Secord's review in the Chronicle Hearld was especially well done.
Our High School girls were very impressive in delivering their writings for the Barat Literary Awards. We are grateful to and applaude all who presented their work.
Another round of Duke of Edinburgh awards were earned; congratulations to Ruis MacDonald on achieving Gold and Anya Friesen for the Bronze.
We are proud of our high school athletes on the badminton courts recently as there were many gold, silver and bronze wins for our boys and girls. We are especially proud of Jacob Nobbe (grade 8) for his triumph as the top badminton player in his category in Halifax - taking gold at the Regionals. And, on Wednesday our elementary students showed off their badminton skills in the ACIS tournament.
Our high school 'mathaletes' made us proud in earning Certificates of Distinction and being named to the Nova Scotia Honour Roll in the Universtity of Waterloo math contests.
Ten of our boys went to the Regional Science Fair and Grade 9 student, Andy Samman received an award of excellence.
We are proud of Will Smith (Grade 10) for making it to the World's Swimming competitions a couple of weeks ago.
Building Community
Grandparents' Day - Friday, April 26
Upon Arrival, Grandparents of ...
Boys Gr. 7-12 enter Fountain beginning at 9:30
Girls Gr. 7-12 enter main door beginning at 9:30
Pri. - Gr. 6: enter main door beginning at 1:00
Jr. Primary: enter main door beginning at 1:30
The Programme for Grandparents of ...
Grades 7-12 Boys: 10 a.m. programme in Little Theatre followed by classroom activities
Girls 7-12 Girls: 10 a.m. classroom activities followed by 11 a.m. programme in Little Theatre
Primary-Gr.3: 1:30 programme in Little Theatre followed by class activities
Grades 4-6: 1:30 class activities, 2:15 programme in Little Theatre
Jr. Primary: 2-3 p.m. classroom visits and a Tea Party.
Ultimate Pick-Up Basketball Game
For 10 & 11 year-old boys!
Saturday April 20, 9:30am-Noon @ SHSH.
Format: 3-on-3 with a 5-on-5 Finale.
The morning will include a full, professional warm-up; shoot-around and short skills session; team selections; 1st games (no refs); break & talk (speaker from the Rainmen organization); 2nd games and a finale. For information, contact Robyn Erickson.
Admissions Notes
Contact: Robyn Erickson
Homestay Families Needed
There are many outstanding opportunities for those who provide homestay for an International Student; you are invited to contact Alison Boyer for more information (aboyer@shsh.ca, 422-4459).
Bring a Friend
Our third Bring a Friend Day will coincide with the May 17 HRSB professional development day for P-12. Please submit this form in advance.
Preschool Children
We are seeking Preschool children (age 4 by the end of 2013); if you know prospective families, please encourage them to tour Sacred Heart (PreSchool tuition is eligible for a tax receipt).
Preschool Orientation
Friday, May 3rd from 9:00am - 11:30am is the orientation morning for all incoming students to our Preschool and Primary programs. We are inviting any families who are interested in learning more about our exceptional programs for young learners to register their children for the May 3rd morning. While the children engage with our teachers, parents may stay for coffee and tours of the elementary school and the Girls' and Boys' High School divisions. RSVP with Robyn Erickson, Admissions Director, by May 1st: rerickson@shsh.ca or by calling 422-4459.
May 11, Volunteers Needed
On May 11th we will be greeting patrons of the Halifax Shopping Centre at our Sacred Heart booth. Support is needed, so please talk to Robyn Erickson or Barb Martell if you are able to be an ambassador for an hour or two (students and parents are needed and welcome).
Advancement Activity
Bursary Dinner - April 27
The Bursary Dinner Committee is tending to final details in preparation for Soiree Sacre Coeur to be held at the Lord Nelson Hotel. Please join us ... Harvey Millar's band will play during the cocktail hour, silent and live auctions offer something for everyone, French cuisine will nourish us, and we'll top it off by dancing into the wee hours ... a joyful way to support the tuition needs of students. Tickets are available online (click here) or at our reception desk.
Annual Giving Fund
In November, we sent each family an Annual Giving Fund letter to request your participation. This spring, we are following-up our quest to have all of our parents onboard. You may recall that 100% of our faculty, staff, administrators and Board members have already participated!
If you have misplaced your giving envelope, you can simply send a check payable to Sacred Heart School to Sr. Wachter with a note indicating that it is for the Annual Giving Fund. Alterntaively, our website has an Annual Giving button. If you wish to give in more creative ways, you can discuss this with Sr. Wachter or Barb Martell.
Thank you for joining our efforts to close the 10% gap between tuition income and operating expenses!
Parents' Guild
We are looking forward to the Parents' Guild Staff Appreciation Luncheon on Monday, our PD day. Many thanks to Mark James and his team for organizing this special opportunity.
The next Parents' Guild meeting is Tuesday, April 30 at 7pm; all are welcome.
Message from the Headmistress
Weekly Update, Ms. Scott April 29
We have just had a wonderful Grandparents’ Day! We were delighted to see so many grandparents in attendance, with some visiting here for the first time. The grand-daughters were great hostesses and it was lovely to see the interaction with their grandparents. Thank you to Ms. Grant and Miss MacDonald, who co-ordinated the activities for the two high school divisions, to Sra. Riley and the Grade 10 Spanish class, Ms. Dawson, the cast of ‘Sound of Plaid’ and Audeamus, to our junior high debaters, and to all the students, faculty and staff for making this a very special occasion.
Our week began with an excellent Professional Development Day. The focus was technology and the variety of ways in which it can be used in the classroom. We can learn so much from one another, hence the importance of having a time like this set aside for meeting and sharing. At noon time, we enjoyed the Parents’ Guild Staff Appreciation Luncheon. Many thanks to President, Mark James and members of the executive who put on this feast for us; it was very much appreciated!
CAIS Student Leadership Conference – Mrs. Drummond and four of our student leaders, Alexandra Brisseau, Taryn Mason, Erin Palmeter and Sabrina Secord are attending this conference at Appleby College. News so far is that the conference is great and the speakers have been amazing.
Debating news – Rory Flynn and Mattea Roach, along with Jake Marchand and Sebastian Young from Fountain Academy, left yesterday for Nationals in Calgary. Mattea will be staying on an extra day for Team Canada tryouts. Then on May 1st Mattea and Rory leave for Cambridge, England to debate. Good luck to all!
Field hockey – the highlight this week was our game against Prince Andrew. Holly Foxall scored 4 goals in a 6-6 tie which ended in a shoot-out with Prince Andrew winning. The girls have been having some great games, and scoring goals.
The final exam schedule has been given to the students and is posted on our website under Parent Documents. I have also attached a copy to this message.
Congratulations to Rebecca MacInnis, Class of 2012, whose Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award just came through.
Tomorrow morning the Grade 12 DELF oral exams take place at Alliance Français, and we have a number of students participating in the CPF Concours Oratoire at MSVU in the afternoon – Good luck!
Tomorrow evening we have the “Soirée Sacre Coeur” bursary fundraising dinner at The Lord Nelson Hotel. I look forward to seeing many of you there.
Girls Grades 7 -12,
Ms. Pauline Scott
community is engaged in a plethora of thrilling activities this week. Our Woozles book fair is abuzz with activity
as children file through the small parlour in search of that new, inspiring
book to get lost in… Our choir hit the
stage at the Kiwanis music festival and pulled together to achieve a silver… After months of training, students in grades
four to six competed in the Byron-Germain, Fibonacci, and Pythagoras National
Mathematics Contests… Armbrae, Grammar, Independent,
and Shambhala were in the house as we hosted an intense ACIS badminton
tournament… And Father Earl Smith was
here to bless some of our youngest community members at our Easter Liturgy. Yes, Easter is not just a day, but a season
in which to rejoice, for spring has sprung and there is new life and energy all
Grab your coat and get your hat
Leave your worries on the doorstepLife can be so sweet on the sunny side of the street
(Louis Armstrong)
Looking forward,
Mr. Tugwell
Mr. Stephen Tugwell
More Kiwanis Festival Results - Congratulations to all participants!
Vocal Duet Under 16 Years
Abigail Sinclair 1st place
Folksong - Any Voice Under 14 Years
Abigail Sinclair 2nd place
Male Solo Sacred unchanged voices under 10
Jaden Lawen 1st place
Male solo unchanged voices
under 10 years
Jaden Lawen 1st place
Rylan MacDonald 2nd place
Voice under 12 years
Sophie Warwick-Baur – 1st place
Julia Wiseman – 2nd place
Katherine Culligan – 3rd place
Female Solo – under 12 years
Katherine Culligan – 1st place
Sophie Warwick Baur – 1st place
Maggie Smith – 2nd place
Madison James – 3rd place
Female Solo – High Voice –
under 16 years
Emma McLean – 2nd place
Sarah Bjornson – 3rd place
Eileanor O’Halloran – 3rd place
Female Solo – Sacred – High Voice
– under 16 years
Sarah Bjornson – 1st place
Emma McLean – 3rd place
Female Solo – Sacred – under 12
Katherine Culligan – 1st place
Julia Wiseman – 3rd place
Folk Song – under 10 years
Rylan MacDonald – 1st place
Folk Song – under 12 years
Katherine Culligan – 1st place
Maggie Smith – 3rd place
Annie Xu - 1st place Piano Duet 16 years & under
Anya Friesen 1st Piano Sonata - Grade 8 Level
2nd Bach Piano Invention - 16 Years & Under
2nd Piano Solo - Romantic/Late Romantic - Grade 7/8 Level
Annie Xu - 1st place Piano Duet 16 years & under
Anya Friesen 1st Piano Sonata - Grade 8 Level
2nd Bach Piano Invention - 16 Years & Under
2nd Piano Solo - Romantic/Late Romantic - Grade 7/8 Level
NBC Viewfinders Challenge - Colson Donohue 1st & 2nd Prize
Two of Colson Donohue’s
films took 1st and 2nd place prizes in the NBC Viewfinders
Challenge recently. He was runner-up in
the animation category and first place in the live action category. Colson is a grade 10 student at Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart. Congratulations, Colson!
Weekly Update, Ms. Scott April 22
Last week-end we hosted 62 teams from across the country for the 8th Annual Donahoe Cup. Advanced and novice debaters were involved in nine rounds of debate on Saturday and quarter-finals, semis and finals on Sunday. Congratulations to Rory Flynn and Mattea Roach who were runners-up in the advanced category, and to Sarah Bjornson and Emma McLean who made it to the quarter finals in the novice category. Individually in the advanced category Rory Flynn placed 1st, Mattea Roach 5th and Sabrina Secord 14th; in the novice category Emma McLean placed 8th and Sarah Bjornson 11th. Thank you to Mr. Brian Casey who is the chief organizer of this event, to Mrs. Donnelly, and to the many parents, students, faculty and staff who helped out in any way whatsoever. The Donahoe Cup is a first class event and visiting schools always comment on the great hospitality extended to them by the Sacred Heart community.
Athletics – Our senior field hockey team continues to play hard and have three more games left in the season. Track and field students are out training with Mr. Griffiths on a regular basis. I am sure they are appreciating the warmer weather. Congratulations to Sarah Polley for being named to the Nova Scotia Canada Games Swim Team.
Multicultural festival – Global Citizens Club organized a great activity period yesterday. As well as having our parade of nations we enjoyed K-Jamm, Spanish, Mexican, French and Indian songs and dances and a Viennese waltz.
Thanks to all who participated and to Mrs. Arthur for her input and guidance.
Student Council Executive Elections – This has been a week of campaigning, speeches and election of our student council executive for 2013-2014. We had a great slate of candidates and I want to congratulate them all on conducting well-run campaigns. Our new executive is: Head Girl – Taryn Mason, Vice-head Girl – Katie MacLellan, Secretary – Catherine Turnbull, Treasurer – Rachel Field. Class rep nominations for 2013-2014 go out on Monday and I encourage students to think about running.
Earth Week – this past week our environment committee has encouraged us to turn off lights when we leave a room, they have sold earth o’grams, and today we had a $2 colour day. The environment committee supports a number of different causes and will give us a full account at the end of the year.
Kiwanis Music Festival - A number of students have been participating in the Kiwanis Music Festival these past two weeks. Results have been posted on our website - congratulations to all who participated!
Grade 12 Day of Reflection – the grade 12s had a wonderful day of reflection today under the direction of Mrs. MacKenzie and Sr. Mary Finlayson. Mrs. Drummond and I joined them for lunch, as did Sr. Anne Marie Conn and Sr. Donna Dolan. The day of reflection is the first of a number of special events for the grade 12s and it is always a very beautiful, if somewhat emotional, day.
Girls Grades 7 -12,
Ms. Pauline Scott
Sacred Heart Girls Make Robot for Robots East Competition!
Our Girls’ High
School Robotics Team initially participated in the Robots East Competition in
1999 and has attended the tournament annually since 2004. We have been successful in winning various
aspects of the competition (logo, multi-media, best engineered robot), but our
best effort in the Championship was in 2007 when we placed 2nd. Robots
East supplies a kit containing motors, batteries and the control system. The rest of the approximately 30-kilogram
robot, is designed by students and constructed from whatever materials they
choose. There is a different theme every
year. The “Checkmate” mission was
revealed on February 1, 2013. Our robot
is a soldier in Medieval times fighting feudal wars. As
expressed by the organizers “This multidisciplinary competition exploits and
advances their knowledge and capability in Mathematics, Physics, Tech. Ed.,
Journalism, and English.”
Girls Grades 7 -12,
Kiwanis Music Festival Results for Sacred Heart Students
Mimisu Lee:
1st Concerto - French Horn - Grade 11 and Under
1st Senior Solo - French Horn - Grade 11 and Under
Lala Lee:
1st Piano Solo - Bach - 18 Years and Under
1st Piano Duet 18 Years and Under
2nd Intermediate Concerto for Piano and Orchestra 18
and Under
2nd Senior Piano Solo - French - Grade 9/10 Level
3rd Senior Piano Sonata - Minimum Grade 10 Level
Caraid McGinty
1st Solo - Girls Under 14 Years
Rachel Arab
2nd Piano
Solo - Classical - Grade 1/2 Level
Abigail Sinclair
2nd Musical
Theatre Under 14
Annie Xu:
1st Senior Piano Solo - Romantic/Late Romantic - Grade
9/10 Level
2nd Piano Solo - Baroque
- Grade 10
3rd Senior Piano Solo - Modern/Contemporary - Grade
9/10 Level
3rd Piano Sight Reading - Grade 9/10
Felicity Barker
2nd Senior Art Song 16 - 19 Years (Voice)
The Sacred Heart Elementary School Choir received a Silver award.
Elementary Update
colleague of mine shared a quote with me yesterday that resonates: Prepare
the child for the path, not the path for the child. It is so tempting to want to line things up so
that our children will not have to face any trouble, particularly with the
headline news of the past few days. Sometimes
in our haste we jump to solve their problems for them. And without question, it is imperative that we
as parents and teachers play a crucial role in guiding our children, ensuring
their safety and providing opportunities for them to grow and flourish. At the same time, it’s worth us stepping back
and looking at how much do we do for
our children, and how much we allow them
to try themselves.
In India, we have a saying:
“Everything will be alright in the end.”
So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end."
(Sonny in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel)
Mr. Stephen Tugwell
Weekly Update, Ms. Scott April 15
Spring is here – the Public Gardens are open!
Athletics - ACIS Badminton: We had a great tournament last Saturday. Congratulations to all our medallists: Gold Medal U14 Singles – Hannah Baillie, U14 Doubles – Hannah Cassie and Alexa Pirie; U16 Singles – Sophie McIntyre, U16 Doubles – Razan Al-Sharkawi and Julie Inglis. Silver Medal U14 Singles – Emma Butler, U14 Doubles – Katherine Khorovets and Caila Smithers. Bronze Medal U14 Singles – Markley Wakeland, U19 Doubles – Calla Owens and Claudia Toulany. Overall as a team we placed 2nd. Thank you to Mr. Griffiths for running the tournament.
Citadel Zone Badminton – Sophie McIntyre placed fourth.
Jr. Field Hockey – the girls are participating in the Nancy Tokaryk Memorial Tournament at Armbrae this week-end.
Sr. Field Hockey – league games continue over the next two weeks.
Barat Literary Readings: As part of the English programme the girls prepare a short story or an essay to be presented to their class. One representative is chosen from each class to read for a panel of judges and for the student body. Last Thursday we had the senior high readings and yesterday we had the junior high readings. Barat Literary Distinctions were awarded to Meredith Bullock, Grade 7M and Savannah Cox, Grade 12S. Barat Literary Commendations were awarded in junior high to: Meg Currie, Catherine Burke, Lala Lee, Teresa Donovan and Rory Flynn, and in senior high to: Mattea Roach, Hanna Garnier, Zoé McIntyre, Mimisu Lee and Abbie Salyzyn. Congratulations to all!
Dean of Students – I am pleased to announce that we have a new Dean of Students for September 2014. Her name is Ms. Shauna Wall and she has been teaching at Lower Canada College in Montreal for the last nine years. She did her undergraduate degree in science at Dalhousie University, her education degree at McGill and her M.Ed. at Acadia. She is looking forward to coming to Sacred Heart and she and Mrs. Drummond will be meeting and communicating over the next few months to make for a smooth transition. Ms. Wall will be here this week-end with LCC students for the Donahoe Cup.
Duke of Edinburgh Award – We have just received confirmation that Ruis MacDonald has earned her Gold Award and Anya Friesen has earned her Bronze. Congratulations!
Student Council elections – Over the next few weeks we will have elections for student council executive and class representatives for the 2013-2014 school year. Executive elections are next week and I wish all the candidates the best of luck. I encourage students to think about running for class representative. Nomination forms will be available from Mrs. Drummond.
Donahoe Cup – Good luck to all our debaters this week-end.
Girls Grades 7 -12,
Ms. Pauline Scott
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