
Elementary Update 2/21

We were blessed to have author/singer/drummer/Poet Laureate Shauntay Grant with us all day Tuesday.  In our morning assembly she performed three of her books and a funky rap of childhood memories.  She encouraged all of us, especially the resistant writers, to imagine “What if…?” to get the ideas flowing. 

Shauntay made special appearances in Junior Primary and Senior Primary, where students spontaneously got up and danced to the beat of her rhythms and rhymes.  Selected students in grades 4, 5, and 6 participated in special writing workshops with the inspiring African Nova Scotia artist.

Next week, we continue our celebration of African Heritage Month with a special presentation by the Maritime Centre of African Dance.  We are richer and more enlightened when we experience the diversity of culture in this city…  And for our children, and folks like Shauntay Grant, The City Speaks in Drums!

Stand, you’ve been sitting much too long

There’s a permanent crease in your right and wrong

Stand, there’s a midget standing tall

And a giant beside him about to fall

-          Sly Stone