
Elementary Update 2/14

"There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done, nothing you can sing that can’t be sung, nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game – it’s easy."

There has been a lot of doing and singing this week. We’ve been celebrating kindness, friendship, and love in colourful ways. And, for the record, according to some of our younger boys, tough guys do wear pink!

Amidst the busy-ness of Open House preparation, we have taken the time to stop and come together as a community of faith. Yesterday, we entered into the journey of Lent with a somber and moving Ash Wednesday Liturgy. I would like to share yesterday’s Prayers of the Faithful with you because the message resonates so well with us here and now in all that we strive to do and be:

That all of us try to follow Jesus’ example, we pray to the Lord.
Take My hand and walk with Me.
That we try to help people who need friends and are lonely, we pray to the Lord.
Take My hand and walk with Me.
That we try our best to be kind to each other in words and actions, we pray to the Lord.
Take My hand and walk with Me.
That we say we are sorry when we hurt one another, we pray to the Lord.
Take My hand and walk with Me.
That we try to be peacemakers in school and at recess, we pray to the Lord.
Take My hand and walk with Me.
Celebrating Children’s Art
The inaugural, now First Annual, Sacred Heart Elementary School Art Show was a raging success because of to the hard work and dedication of our students and teachers. I want to send particularly loud thank yous out to D’Arcy Wilson, Barbara-Ann O’Halloran, Janet Gray, Nicole Ferguson & Sharon Bennet for their tireless dedication to this important cause. Of course, we would be nowhere without the artistic vision and talents of our student artists, musicians, and ambassadors. Thank you all for coming out and bringing your friends. We will do this again…
Open House this Sunday
We open our doors to the public on Sunday afternoon for our annual open house. Presentations, activities, and displays from Junior Primary all the way up to grade 12 are designed for you. Open House runs from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m., but elementary school student activities should conclude by 3:00 p.m.
For those new to our school, all elementary students attend Open House in dress uniform, starting at 1:00 p.m.
Please make sure your child is primped and punctual. Thank you.

And the birds up on the wires and the telegraph poles
They can always fly away from this rain and this cold
You can hear them singing out their telegraph code
All the way down the telegraph road

- Mark Knopfler