
Dalhousie Sodales British Parliamentary Debate Championships

This weekend our debaters took part in the Dalhousie Sodales British Parliamentary Debate Championships. In the junior division, the Sacred Heart team of Olivia Ryan and Cassidy Bonnell and the Fountain Academy team of Eamon and Cullen Roach broke to the finals. Cullen placed 5th individually, Anisha Rajaselvam 6th,  Olivia 7th, Eamon 9th and Cassidy 11th. 

In the senior division, Ailie Sullivan McCulloch and Minahil Nadeem placed 5th as a team. Minahil placed 5th individually and Ailie 6th. Congratulations to all.  

We would like to especially mention the several Grade 7 students who participated.  We will continue to have a strong program for years to come with such enthusiastic participation.

Well done!