
The Parent-School Partnership

To our Parents, many thanks for your attendance at our events over the past month. It is our firm belief that education is a shared partnership between parents, students and the school and so we appreciate the opportunity to foster relationships at the start of the academic year. You may be interested in this publication on the positive effects of teacher-family communication on student engagement.  The researchers concluded: “we find large and immediate effects of communication on homework completion rates, classroom behavior and participation in class." "Students also noted that the increased involvement of their parents affected their own perceptions of, and response to school" in a positive way as they felt that the school belonged to them and their family.               

Thank you for your participation in our Course Outline evening.  We highlighted the strong academic programs that are in place for students at Sacred Heart Girls’ High School, including our unique focus on religious studies and university preparation.  Also evidenced was our desire to engage students through a range of experiential, service and athletic opportunities outside of the classroom.  We are proud to offer an education that blends a vigorous academic foundation with the deepening of faith and character; certainly this pride was evidenced by the energy and enthusiasm of our teachers as they introduced their courses and activities! 

At Sacred Heart, teachers and students have the opportunity to build relationships and to participate in a caring community.  Our small class sizes, advisory and homeroom structure, wealth of co-curricular offerings and focus on community events allows every student to connect with an adult, each day, in a meaningful way. Rita Pierson, a well-known American educator and administrator, gives an excellent TED Talk on the value and importance of relationships in the learning environment. Her message to teachers is that “every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and [who] insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”  Our teachers are proud to offer a learning environment in which every girl is championed. Every girl belongs.