
Weekly Update, Ms. Scott May 13

We continue to hear good news about the accomplishments of our students. 

Once again we were the only all-girls team at last week-end’s RobotsEast competition at Dalplex.  Congratulations on winning, for the second year in a row, the Best Engineered Robot Award.  Baratbot, ably steered by Savannah Cox, visited our assembly on Monday morning and was the special guest at the elementary school assembly on Tuesday morning.  Thank you to Dr. Nancy Lowery for returning this year to mentor our students and to Mrs. Dewar for her encouragement and commitment.

International Competition for Young Debaters, Cambridge, England – Rory Flynn and Mattea Roach reached the finals, and Rory placed first and Mattea placed second out of 78 debaters.  Mattea has also made the Canada Worlds team and she and Rory head to Bermuda this summer.  We look forward to hearing news from junior high nationals in Vancouver.

The Grade 9s spent three full and enjoyable days at Camp Brigadoon.  They have a wonderful team of instructors there and it is a first-class recreational facility.   Thank you to Mr. Griffiths, Ms. Grant, Mme Riley and Mrs. Hughes for being the chaperones.  One measure of the success of a trip like this is when the chaperones return, as they did on this occasion, full of compliments about the students and saying how much fun it was to be with them!  On Thursday the Grade 9s had a Day of Service where they worked at Feed Nova Scotia and did some outside clean up.  Thanks to Mrs. Hipson and Mrs. Bekkers for organizing this.

Today I had the pleasure of attending the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation Celebration of School Sport luncheon at the WTCC.   Two of our graduating students, Holly Foxall and Claire McCusker, were among a number of exemplary athletes from across the province recognized for their outstanding contribution to school sport.  Each school in the province could also nominate a coach to receive an outstanding service award and David McCusker, our curling coach for the past three years, was our recipient.  Claire had the honour of saying Grace before the luncheon and she did a great job

Today was also the ACIS Track and Field which was held at Saint Mary’s.  Mrs. Sherlock and Mr. Griffiths reported that we had many outstanding performances despite the damp conditions.  Full results will be out in the next week or so. 

School booth at the Halifax Shopping Centre – all day tomorrow faculty, staff and students will be promoting SHSH.  The booth will be on the lower level between the Royal Bank and Sears.  Come by and visit.