
Scholarships Announced!

Carley Bekkers, Grade 12 has been awarded a Schulich Leader Scholarship from the University of Toronto valued at $60,000. The Schulich Leader Scholarships are undergraduate scholarships for students intending to enroll in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas of study. Carley is one of 40 Schulich Leaders in Canada.  

Congratulations to Luke Burke, Grade 12, who was recently awarded the Nova Scotia Outhie Moriarity Rec Player of the Year Award. This award, which recognizes the player "who most epitomizes the objectives of minor hockey through dedication, responsibility and reliability" is chosen from among all of the players from all levels in Nova Scotia. This is a great honour and indicative of the sort of student athlete that we hope to encourage here at Sacred Heart.  To date he has attracted $50,000 in scholarship offers from several universities.

Sacred Heart is very proud of these two graduates.