
Headmistress' Letter - May 3, 2013 ... Those Dreams You Dare to Dream, They Come True

Dear Colleagues and Families,

On Sunday morning (April 28), I wasn't sure how to thank God, so I went for a long jog along the water at the park, and late in the day I went to another of my "God places" - the driving range where I hit golf balls. I just had to do these things to give expression to the gratitude that was bursting forth from my heart in the wake of a wonderful Grandparents' Day on Friday, and a wildly successful Bursary Dinner/Auction on Saturday.

Last Sunday, one bursary committee member's email to the group provided an excellent summary: "I am overwhelmed - - with gratitude that I get to work with all of you, with humility that I live a life where I can make this choice for my children, and with renewed commitment to work as hard as I can so that other people's children will get to have what mine have. That was what Saturday was all about.

Our community is strong, and we are blessed!

As Headmistress, I have the privilege of witnessing life behind the scenes: candidate speeches for Student Council offices, kids playing out front on warm days (yesterday, I was able to toss a baseball with a couple of the older guys), an early morning clean-up response by Sr. Beverley and Mr. Donald when a child's shoe tracked in "you know what."  I treasure chance encounters with students on the stairs, or at their lockers or lunch tables.  I am a big fan of Ordinary Time ... and I was mistaken in thinking we would have a typical elementary school variety show experience.

Thursday in the Little Theatre, I realized again (and at a deep level), just how safe our school is for children. The Elementary Variety Show gave over 40 young students the opportunity to share emerging talents. I found the experience to be a stunning example of Goal #5: Sacred Heart educates to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. Nobody was required to participate, but all were invited to take a performance risk. Magic shows, piano pieces, hoola-hoops, original scores, gymnastics, singing and dancing - you name it and children shared it. Tears sprang forth as Leah Penny walked onto stage and without any accompaniment started singing "Somewhere over the rainbow..." 

These kids have guts! They are safe and free. Our world needs their courage and confidence, their inspiration.

During morning arrival today, one of the parents told me that after the Variety Show she made a commitment to stretch herself to learn something new - to muster inner strength and go beyond her fears. I wasn't the only one inspired by our children.

I am grateful for the courage of those who stepped forth to plan and orchestrate our first Grandparents' Day. And, when our bursary auction reached a new record in support of families who need financial assistance - well, I knew the song about the rainbow was right: dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.

Keep dreaming and stretching ...
... this comes with a very grateful heart,
Sr. Wachter