
Dr. Michael Ungar Presentation on April 2nd at SMU

Wednesday, April 2nd at SMU 
Scotiabank Theatre from 7-9pm

In late January, the staff from the ACIS schools in Halifax had a combined PD day.  Our keynote speaker was Dr. Michael Ungar from Dalhousie University.  He spoke about resilience building in children and how that relates to teachers and community.  As part of his offering, he will be having a parent/community night for our parents/community members.  It will take place the evening of Wednesday, April 2nd at SMU's Scotiabank Theatre at 7-9pm.  It is open and free to anyone who would like to attend.

Please see his bio below.  He was a fantastic speaker at our PD day and will surely be a hit in April.

As a family therapist, Dr. Michael Ungar has become concerned that we may be keeping our children too safe for their own good. If we adults think back to when we were young, didn’t the risks we take and the responsibilities we had help prepare us for the challenges we would face later in our lives? Didn’t those experiences make us more resilient? Over his years of practice, Michael has seen a disturbing trend: a connection between all the security we offer children and troubling behaviors like anxiety, a lack of responsibility for one’s self and others, drug abuse, early sexual activity, and a lack of respect for adults. In this presentation, Michael will discuss ways to offer our children and teenagers the right amount of risk and responsibility. He will share what he has learned from families who have found ways to provide their children with the ‘risk-takers advantage’, helping them to grow up to be competent, caring contributors to their families, schools, and communities.

Michael Ungar, Ph.D. 
Network Director, CYCC Network 
Co-Director, Resilience Research Centre
Dalhousie University