
Weekly Update, Ms. Scott June 3

This past week we had our end of year choir and band concerts.  We have incredibly talented students and very versatile choir and band directors.  Congratulations and thank you to Ms. Gwen Dawson, Mrs. Linda George-Wegner, choir and band members for all your hard work throughout the year.
The Grade 9 Celebration was a great success.  The young ladies looked stunning, the weather co-operated for photographs, and the waters were not too choppy for the harbor cruise. 
We’ve just completed the last full week of classes, and the last high school class for the grade 12s.  The Last Will and Testament was true to form: fun and full of emotion.  Our Awards Celebration yesterday recognized the student involvement in extra-curricular activities: sports, music, and clubs.  Nearly half the student body received Gold or Silver Pins for outstanding participation in school activities. 
Congratulations to Tina Kim, Grade 12 on achieving her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award!  
Exams begin next week.  I have attached a copy of the schedule for your reference.  The schedule also shows the supervised study times and the study days.  The girls wear their non-dress uniform on exam days.
Prize Day for Grades 7 – 12 is on Thursday, June 20.  The girls come to school at the regular time, in dress uniform.  Our prize day ceremony takes place in the Little Theatre, so space is limited.   As such, we are only able to invite the parents of our graduates and special guests who will be making presentations.  Prize day ceremonies should be over by 11:00 a.m. and the summer holidays begin for the students.
News just in from Mr. Griffiths from Provincial Track and FieldBailey Francis, Grade 10 finishes 4th in the province in triple jump setting two new personal bests in the event.  Great job, Bailey!  Thanks, Mr. Griffiths, for all the tweets throughout the day.  Good luck to Jessie Wile tomorrow in the 200M!
This afternoon we had the Headmistress’ Tea in the parlour for the graduates and their parents. The graduates made an amazing transformation from kilted schoolgirls at 3:35 into elegant young ladies by 4:00.  The weather was wonderful and there were many photo opportunities.