
February 4, 2013 - Celebrating Winter!

Headmistress Letter, February 4, 2013

Dear Families and Colleagues,
I have a few important items to communicate regarding the 2013-2014 academic year:
*  the re-enrolment process will begin February 11;
*  this year, enrolment contracts will be submitted online;
*  applications for financial assistance are due February 28 (this applies to all who seek financial assistance for next year - current recipients need to complete the online application for the 2013-14 budget year).
I am proud of our hardy Canadians for braving snowy mornings so beautifully. We do not just survive winter, we celebrate it! In fact, this week is Winter Carnival for our Gr. 7-12 boys and girls, and among the many activities is an outdoor lunchtime BBQ!  In Omaha during winters of 1964-67, my father and older brother made ice rinks on our front yard ... some wonderful childhood memories are coming to the fore here in Halifax. I look forward to (finally) putting on skates this Thursday evening to join our elementary families at the Oval while the high school students are on campus for Carnival Night. 
Please see below for additional news - good winter reading!
Sr. Wachter
P.S.:  My SF 49ers did not win last night. Many of you acknowledged this during morning arrival today - it is a good lesson that we can be united in loss as well as victory. The Ravens played to win ... and, to the many Patriots fans out there, I feel your pain!

Prayer Corner
(Requests may be sent to Patricia Nichols or Sr. Wachter)

Please join us in holding the following in your prayers:
Cynthia Ghosn, Grade 9 is ill.Chris Horne's mother died last week.
Sheryl Penny's aunt died last weekend in Cape Breton.
The maternal grandfather of Luc and Mathieu Lefrancios (Mae Seto's father) died a week ago.

Owen Sperry, age 5 (not a student of SHSH but connected to several of our families) died in a car accident recently, and I promised the prayers of our community.  
Several of our students are engaged in sacramental preparations, so we pray for those making their First Reconciliation and Communion in these weeks and throughout the spring.
Sacred Heart News Notes
With regard to winter weather, our Rule of Thumb for communication is this: if the public schools announce closure, then as soon as possible we will post on our website and have a messsage on our phone system indicating whether we are open or closed. It worked well this morning and I am grateful to my advisors and communicators.
In March, we will formally request contact information to send invitations to our April 26 Grandparents' Day. Please know that grandparents are also welcome to attend our Open House on February 17.
You recently received our Strategic Plan 2012-2017.  On Wednesday, February 6, we will offer two opportunities for people in our community to participate in the vision; please join us at either 8:45-10am or 6:45-8pm.
Last Friday, we welcomed over 60 student visitors to our school during the day, and at night the successful bidders of Cache-Cache enjoyed a fantasically fun evening at school.
Parents' Guild

The Parents' Guild is sponsoring a Family Skate for the elementary families at the Oval this Thursday at 7pm.
Mark James, our Guild President is serving a one-year term; the Nominating Committee of the Guild will convene to begin the process of naming a President for the 2013-14 year.