
Anna Stuart named Fellow of The Society of Management Accountants of Canada

CMA Canada, the world leader in shaping strategic financial management professionals to lead successful enterprises in the global marketplace, announced November 5 that Anna Stuart, MBA, CMC, CMA, FCMA has been named a Fellow of The Society of Management Accountants of Canada (FCMA). Anna is a Partner and Vice President of Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette and is Vice Chairperson of the Board of Governors at the Sacred Heart School of Halifax.

Anna is one of only four people in the CMA Nova Scotia and Bermuda chapter who have been assigned this prestigious national honorary designation. 

Congratulations, Anna on this national honorary designation.

The FCMA is awarded to CMAs who demonstrate excellence in management accounting, a commitment to the CMA designation and their professional association, and a civic-mindedness that enriches their community.