
Sacred Heart School Debate Camp - August 19-23

Sacred Heart School of Halifax is once again hosting the August Debate Camp under the direction of Mr. Brian Casey.

Camp is August 19-23, 2013 from 9am-4pm

Cost is $400, $100 off if the family takes a billet

For all the details you need, the Debate Camp has its own website: https://sites.google.com/site/shshdebatecamp/

NS Canada Games Squad!

Michael Malek, Grade 11, recently made the NS Canada Games squad for fencing!  Congratulations, Michael!


Girl Guides Highest Award to Julia Wiseman

On Saturday, May 25, the Provincial ceremony for Girl Guides was held and Julia Wiseman received the Lady Baden Powell Award.

This is the highest award in Girl Guides and one that recognizes individual achievement as well as community service over the last three years.  Girl Guides is a program offered through the Sacred Heart After School Program, and the Unit Leader is Paula Sanderson.  

  Congratulations to Julia Wiseman for earning the Lady Baden Powell Award!


Weekly Update, Ms. Scott May 27

This has been quite a week, and we were only in school for four days!
Today we celebrated the feast of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, and the sun came out!   Archbishop Mancini was the presider at our all-school liturgy and he spoke about St. Madeleine Sophie’s desire, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, to establish schools for girls.  Our school was founded in her lifetime and it has had an impact on the lives of many young women, and now young men, for over 160 years. 
At noon we had the 10 Year Dinner for the following students who have been at Sacred Heart for 10 years: Hannah Bekkers, Laura Bullock, Gabrielle Fader, Rory Flynn, Rebecca Foster, Anya Friesen, Emily MacNeil, Katie McKay, Emma McLean, Sarah Polley, Fareeha Quraishi, Shifa Quraishi, Caroline Rajda, Jasmeen Sidhu and Rena Tom.  Something to celebrate; congratulations, girls!
At the end of the school day the faculty and staff had an opportunity to celebrate colleagues who are marking mile-stone years of service.  In Sacred Heart High School we recognized Mrs. Chris Horne, Mrs. Carolyn MacKenzie, Miss Patricia McMullen and Mme Charlotte Riley who have been at Sacred Heart for 20 years.  How blessed we are; thank you for the gift of self that you bring to Sacred Heart each day!
Regional Track and Field took place this week.  Congratulations to Bailey Francis, Gr. 10 who came 2nd in the triple jump and Jessie Wile, Gr. 8 who came 4th in the 100M.  Both girls advance to Provincials next week.  Hats off to all who participated in track and field; conditions have been far from ideal this year and yet many accomplished personal bests.
Wednesday was a House Colour Day so that we could have a school-wide photograph.  Our hope was to have it outside, but the weather didn’t co-operate.  At 10:15 the whole school gathered in the gym and the photograph was taken.  Then Sr. Wachter, accompanied by ‘headmistress for the day’, Mrs. Margaret Fountain, announced Congé which, in Sacred Heart tradition, is an in-school holiday.  We had a spirited House relay race, won by Barat House, and then all celebrated with cake.  I would like to extend a big thank you to Ms. Grant who worked with teachers from the elementary school and Fountain Academy to plan the day. In the afternoon we enjoyed a performance of Legally Blonde at Neptune.

Yesterday we had our end of the year Choir and Audeamus Concert.   This was a sneak preview of the Spring Concert which takes place this Saturday at 2:00 p.m.  Ms. Dawson is an outstanding choir director and we have very talented students.   All are welcome to attend the concert.
The Band Concert, highlighting our Intermediate and Senior Bands as well as our Jazz Ensemble, is on Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m.  Our Band Director, Mrs. Linda George-Wegner, has grown our band programme and they are now quite impressive.  All are welcome to attend.
Spirit Gear – earlier this week an email went out to parents from Mark James, President of the Parents’ Guild, regarding the new line of Spirit Gear that students can purchase.  Today was the deadline for orders with a June 14th delivery date.  However, orders can be placed at any time throughout the year (delivery time is three to four weeks and we will call you when the order comes in).  Students will able to wear Spirit Gear on Fridays.
Debate Camp, August 19th – 23rd  This is a message from Brian Casey our debate coach. Please consider whether your son/daughter should come to the Sacred Heart/Fountain Academy debate camp ($400 for the week, which includes meals).  It is open to students going into grades 7-11.  Students are placed according to experience, so that a new debater will not be overwhelmed by those who are more experienced.  Last year’s students came from every province except PEI.  This is an excellent opportunity for bright students to connect with others who are like them.  We are also looking for billets for about twenty four students.  Most will arrive on the afternoon of Sunday August 18th.  Depending on flight arrangements, some will depart on Friday August 23 in the evening, and some on Saturday August 24th.  As a thank you to those who take a billet, we offer your son or daughter $100 off the camp fee if they wish to attend.  However, the real benefit is that we get to practice and debate against students from across the country.  As in past years, we have registrations from Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal.
Please email Mr. Casey at bcasey@eastlink.ca if you would be willing to take a billet, or if you wish to sign up your daughter.  There are brochures in the school for students who are interested.

Class Parents for 2013-2014 – The Parents’ Guild is hoping to have class parents for the upcoming school year in place before we leave in June.  We very much appreciate the contribution that class parents make to the school and I encourage you to consider putting your name forward.  Application forms have been sent out to parents; please contact Judith Crosby at djcrosby@ns.sympatico.ca if you have any questions about the role of class parent.

Next week is our last full week of classes before exams.  The Last Will and Testament on Tuesday is an opportunity for the student body to celebrate and bid farewell to our graduates, and for the graduates to express their gratitude.  This is a fun, but often emotional event.  At our Awards Celebration on Thursday we recognize extra-curricular involvement and achievements, and we acknowledge and thank our student leaders.


Weekly Update, Ms. Scott May 20

Long week-end fever was evident in the halls today.  We also welcomed 16 students who were here for ‘bring a friend to school day’, so it was a lively place.

The Junior High National Debating Tournament took place in Vancouver last week-end.  The team of Rory Flynn and Anya Friesen placed 1st overall, Rory placed 1st individually and Anya placed 3rd.  Congratulations to Rory and Anya; this is a great way to end their junior high debating years!

Many of our students have been taking part in the Metro Track and Field this week.  Mr. Griffiths and Mrs. Sherlock report that there were many personal bests, in far from ideal conditions,  and the following girls move on to Regionals next week:  Gr. 7 Meghan Beland (long jump), Sydney Hayden (triple jump); Gr. 8 Jessie Wile (100m, 200m); Gr. 9 Sophie McIntyre (100m, 400m, 4x400m); Alex Baillie (400m, 4x400m); Robin Short (4x400m), Caroline Surrette (4x400m), Markely Wakeland (javelin); Gr. 10 Bailey Francis (long jump, triple jump); Gr. 11 Kaitlin Bird (400m, 800m).  Congratulations to all our athletes and good luck at Regionals.

School year 2013-2014 – We will have two classes at each grade level next year and there is room for new students in all classes.  Please continue to tell your friends and colleagues about Sacred Heart and encourage them to consider it for their daughter for next year.  They can contact Robyn Erickson at rerickson@shsh.ca for further information and to arrange for a tour of the school.
There will be some faculty changes next year.  Unfortunately, Mrs. Dewar will be returning to Ottawa at the end of this school year.  We are grateful for her dedication and hard work this year and wish her well in future years.  Mr. Gordon MacKinnon, who is teaching at Fountain Academy this year, will be our new science department head.  We welcome him to this side of the building!  Other changes have yet to be finalized and I will keep you updated.

On Wednesday, May 22 we will be going to Neptune Theatre to see a performance of Legally Blonde.  This opportunity comes through the kindness of David and Margaret Fountain.  The show runs from 1:00 – 3:10 approx. and we will be back at school by regular dismissal time. 

Feast of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat – The feast of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat is a special day for all Sacred Heart schools.  On May 24th Archbishop Mancini will be the celebrant at an all-school liturgy and we look forward to welcoming him to Sacred Heart.  A number of religious of the Sacred Heart will be present at the liturgy, as well as parents of our graduates.  Then at noon time, students who have been here for ten years will celebrate with a special 10 Year dinner in the lunch room.  This is a dress uniform day.

Sacred Heart Exchange – Mme Riley, our exchange co-ordinator, is starting to receive requests from students from other Sacred Heart schools who would like to spend three to four weeks here in the next school year.   If you are able to host a student at any time throughout next year, please contact Mme Riley at criley@shsh.ca  We have girls who will be going on exchange to Sacred Heart schools in France, Scotland and the United States, and we look forward to welcoming students to Halifax.

Grade 9 Celebration – the Student Councils of Sacred Heart High School and Fountain Academy, along with the Deans, have organized an event for the grade 9s to celebrate their junior high years.  This will be a dance aboard the Haligonian III on Friday, May 24.  Forms are due in to Mrs. Drummond on Tuesday.


Giv'er - Shredder @ The Bluenose

On Saturday, many of our Elementary Families met at school for blue face paint and fun in the gym before heading to the start of the Bluenose youth run. Our children had a great time with Shredder, the Shark mascot for Fountain Academy, our Gr. 7-12 boys' division. Shredder encouraged our young runners along the 4km course, and proceeded to entertain many young Haligonians in the Metro Centre after the race. We are grateful to Shredder and to his guide for the day, Head Boy Armand Caron!


International Competition for Young Debaters - Sacred Heart won 1st & 2nd Place!

We congratulate Sacred Heart students Rory Flynn, Grade 9 and Mattea Roach, Grade 10 who won the International Competition for Young Debaters in Cambridge, England on May 4th.  Rory was first and Mattea was in second place.  They debated against debaters from England, Scotland, Greece, Dubai and Germany.   Way to go, girls!


Our Debaters Meet The Debater

Sacred Heart School of Halifax is Canada's top high school debate team.
Of course our students are fans of The Debaters. 
Steve Patterson and his team were in Halifax for a show last Friday, May 10th. Six members of the Debate team were in the audience at the Rebecca Cohen and were keen to meet Mr. Patterson. 
Thank you to Mrs. Surrette and Mrs. Sapp for their help in coordinating this opportunity for our students!


Bring a Friend Day on May 17th

Sacred Heart School of Halifax will be having a Bring a Friend Day on Friday, May 17th. This day is open to visitors from Primary through Grade 12. Don't already have a friend who attends Sacred Heart? Come visit for the day and make a new one!

If you would like your child to experience a day at Sacred Heart School of Halifax, please contact Robyn Erickson, Admissions Director, for details and to RSVP.  Contact: 422-4459 ext. 210 or rerickson@shsh.ca by Wednesday, May 15th

Luke Burke Named NS Rec Hockey Player of the Year!

Congratulations to Luke Burke, Gr. 12, who was just named Nova Scotia Recreational Hockey Player of the Year!  This is quite an honour given there is a cast of thousands in minor hockey throughout Nova Scotia.

The award is presented to the Recreational player who most epitomizes the objectives of minor hockey through dedication, responsibility and reliability.

Weekly Update, Ms. Scott May 13

We continue to hear good news about the accomplishments of our students. 

Once again we were the only all-girls team at last week-end’s RobotsEast competition at Dalplex.  Congratulations on winning, for the second year in a row, the Best Engineered Robot Award.  Baratbot, ably steered by Savannah Cox, visited our assembly on Monday morning and was the special guest at the elementary school assembly on Tuesday morning.  Thank you to Dr. Nancy Lowery for returning this year to mentor our students and to Mrs. Dewar for her encouragement and commitment.

International Competition for Young Debaters, Cambridge, England – Rory Flynn and Mattea Roach reached the finals, and Rory placed first and Mattea placed second out of 78 debaters.  Mattea has also made the Canada Worlds team and she and Rory head to Bermuda this summer.  We look forward to hearing news from junior high nationals in Vancouver.

The Grade 9s spent three full and enjoyable days at Camp Brigadoon.  They have a wonderful team of instructors there and it is a first-class recreational facility.   Thank you to Mr. Griffiths, Ms. Grant, Mme Riley and Mrs. Hughes for being the chaperones.  One measure of the success of a trip like this is when the chaperones return, as they did on this occasion, full of compliments about the students and saying how much fun it was to be with them!  On Thursday the Grade 9s had a Day of Service where they worked at Feed Nova Scotia and did some outside clean up.  Thanks to Mrs. Hipson and Mrs. Bekkers for organizing this.

Today I had the pleasure of attending the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation Celebration of School Sport luncheon at the WTCC.   Two of our graduating students, Holly Foxall and Claire McCusker, were among a number of exemplary athletes from across the province recognized for their outstanding contribution to school sport.  Each school in the province could also nominate a coach to receive an outstanding service award and David McCusker, our curling coach for the past three years, was our recipient.  Claire had the honour of saying Grace before the luncheon and she did a great job

Today was also the ACIS Track and Field which was held at Saint Mary’s.  Mrs. Sherlock and Mr. Griffiths reported that we had many outstanding performances despite the damp conditions.  Full results will be out in the next week or so. 

School booth at the Halifax Shopping Centre – all day tomorrow faculty, staff and students will be promoting SHSH.  The booth will be on the lower level between the Royal Bank and Sears.  Come by and visit.

Eclectica, 2nd Annual Fountain Academy Group Art Show May 15-17

Eclectica, 2nd Annual Fountain Academy Group Art Show
May 15th - 17th in the Little Theatre
Join us for our Opening Reception 6:30-9:00pm, Wednesday, May 15th.
Free Admission
Donations welcomed
A portion of all proceeds will be donated to IMIF Arts Program in Bolivia
Refreshments Served

The Eclectica Exhibition takes place from May 15th – May 17th. Selected by a jury, the top five pieces of art will be auctioned off by professional auctioneer, Wayne MacDonald, in a Live Auction during the Opening Reception on May 15th. There will also be Silent Auction and set price pieces for sale. When asked about the scope of the event, Art Teacher, Monica Rojo said “This show is not only about celebrating the art work the students have created throughout the year but allows the real world to be their classroom. By producing a group exhibition, they learn and exercise the practical and professional skills of artists: collaborating, producing art with purpose, on a deadline, and for public viewing.”

The show offers something for all tastes, with many mediums and styles on display. By selling their pieces, the students also learn about pricing, selling, sharing profit, and letting go of their work. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Ivar Mendez International Foundation for their Arts Program for underprivileged children in rural Bolivia. The remainder of sales revenue continues the learning experience for these artists as they share it with the Gallery (the Arts Department of Fountain Academy). This portion is then put back into the art program to be used for materials, tools, Artist Studio visits, and Visiting Artists in the classroom.

Don’t miss this exhibition of art created by talented student artists, work that is sure to please and inspire.
Please join us on Wednesday, May 15th from 6:30-9:00 pm for our Opening Reception and to meet the artists in the Little Theatre at Sacred Heart School on Spring Garden Road. Admission is FREE, refreshments will be served, and donations are welcomed!

International Competition for Young Debaters - Cambridge England

International Competition for Young Debaters, Cambridge, England – Rory Flynn and Mattea Roach reached the finals, and Rory placed first and Mattea placed second out of 78 debaters.  Mattea has also made the Canada Worlds team and she and Rory head to Bermuda this summer to debate.  We look forward to hearing news from junior high nationals which are taking place this week-end in Vancouver.   Congratulations and well done, ladies!


Kinsey & Kendra Fader, Primary Students, Thank Mr. J.D. Irving & Kent Homes for Donation to IWK

“Mrs. Laura Evans-Fader remembers yearning for privacy as her twin daughters, Kendra and Kinsey, fought for their lives in an open-bay neonatal intensive care unit at the IWK Health Centre.”  “We are alive today because of people like you,” one of the twins told the donors, bringing tears to the eyes of nurses who cared for them.” (Chronicle Herald)

Sacred Heart Primary students, Kinsey & Kendra Fader, asked their parents if they could write a little speech for them to read at the press conference at the IWK on Wednesday, May 8th and their mother said “I am proud to say that they stood on step stools at the podium and read alternating lines, delivering their thank you message to Mr. J.D. Irving, Irving ShipBuilding and Kent Homes for their combined donation of $1,000,000 to the NICU restructuring project and oncology research at the IWK!!”

Mrs. Evans-Fader said:  “At the reception that followed, we were flooded with questions asking where they go to school.  We were proud to say, Sacred Heart.” 

Sacred Heart School if so very proud of Kinsey and Kendra!

Here is the IWK story: Click Here for IWK Story

The Chronicle Herald posted an article online at http://thechronicleherald.ca/metro/1128319-irving-donates-1m-to-iwk-s-neonatal-cancer-treatment-units


Weekly Update, Ms. Scott May 6

The month of May brings with it a number of special activities which means for very full, but exciting weeks.

Results from last Saturday’s Concours Oratoire were excellent.  Congratulations to Kinza Hart, Gr. 9 and Maria Samman, Gr. 8 on their Gold Medals, and to Annie Xu, Gr. 8 on winning a Silver Medal.  Kinza also won a week at the Terry Fox Centre in Ottawa, and Maria won a week at CPF Camp Kadimah this summer.

Debating news:  Mattea Roach and Rory Flynn made it to the quarter finals of the National Debating Tournament in Calgary.  Rory placed 5th overall.  Mattea and Rory left on Wednesday for Cambridge, England for more debating.  On May 9th Rory Flynn, Anya Friesen and Catherine Burke leave for the Junior High Nationals in Vancouver.  Good luck!

Congratulations to our 2013-2014 Class reps:  Mia Cao & Nouran ElBulkiny (Gr. 12), Bailey Francis & Claire Reardon (Gr. 11), Kinza Hart & Meghan MacAskill (Gr. 10), Thea Hart & Sarah Tanner (Gr. 9), Meg Currie & Sophie Moryto (Gr. 8).

Tapis Rouge, the annual Grade 9 French Film Festival, was held on Thursday.   We have a group of very talented film-makers!  This was also a $2 colour day to support our sister school in Uganda.

Carley Bekkers, Grade 12 has been awarded a Schulich Leader Scholarship from the University of Toronto valued at $60,000!  The Schulich Leader Scholarships are undergraduate scholarships for students intending to enroll in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas of study.  Carley is one of 40 Schulich Leaders in Canada.  Congratulations, Carley!

Next week the Grade 9s will spend three days at Camp Brigadoon where the staff will run a camp experience based upon the students discovering their individual talents.   Mr. Griffiths, Ms. Grant, Mme Riley and Mrs. Hughes will be accompanying the girls.
On Thursday they will participate in a Day of Service – half the day will be spent at Feed Nova Scotia and the second half will be spent doing a clean-up project.

AP exams begin on Monday – good luck to all Grade 11 and 12 students who will be writing.

Tomorrow Baratbot will compete in the RobotsEast competition at Dalplex.  Good luck!
The Alumnae/I Association Luncheon takes place at The Lord Nelson Hotel at 12 noon – the Graduates of 2013 will be guests of honour.


Alex Baillie wins Skate Canada Athlete of the Year Award for NS!

On Saturday, May 4, Skate Canada awarded the Starskate Athlete of the Year award for Nova Scotia to Grade 9 student Alexandra (Alex) Baillie. This award is presented annually to one Nova Scotia figure skater (and only 13 skaters across Canada) who has demonstrated determination, commitment, dedication, a passion for the sport, and who has achieved success during the skating season and with personal skill development.  Alex had a highly successful competitive skating season winning three medals and passing many skating tests.  The highlight of her competitive season was qualifying as a member of Team Nova Scotia for the Skate Atlantica competition on April 13 where she won a silver medal.

Congratulations, Alex!

Scholarships Announced!

Carley Bekkers, Grade 12 has been awarded a Schulich Leader Scholarship from the University of Toronto valued at $60,000. The Schulich Leader Scholarships are undergraduate scholarships for students intending to enroll in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas of study. Carley is one of 40 Schulich Leaders in Canada.  

Congratulations to Luke Burke, Grade 12, who was recently awarded the Nova Scotia Outhie Moriarity Rec Player of the Year Award. This award, which recognizes the player "who most epitomizes the objectives of minor hockey through dedication, responsibility and reliability" is chosen from among all of the players from all levels in Nova Scotia. This is a great honour and indicative of the sort of student athlete that we hope to encourage here at Sacred Heart.  To date he has attracted $50,000 in scholarship offers from several universities.

Sacred Heart is very proud of these two graduates.

The Butterfly Migration

I was inspired to create this project when Patricia Donnelly, the former Headmistress at SHSH came back from a conference at the Sacred Heart School in Taipei.  From the presentation of her trip, I decided I needed to find out more about this school.  I imagined a butterfly migration going to Taipei and then one returning to Halifax.  The butterflies symbolizing the students who are coming out of their formative periods into the discovery of the unique persons that they will become. 

I arrived in Taipei in March after a period in China bringing with me the forty butterflies created by my grade nine students.  Created on mylar, a translucent, plastic material, with the coloured wings created by an ink blot technique in paint for the symmetry, they seemed to fly themselves over to their ultimate destination of the entrance of the SHGSH in Taipei.  The project was repeated with the grade nine students at that school (although this time there were eighty students) and despite communicating in different languages, the project idea was made visible and uniquely so.  

The experience, both of the school and the classes that I worked with, was a very positive and enlightening one.  The school of one thousand students operated like a ticking clock with a spirit very like the Halifax school.  It was very interesting to see this spirit and the Sacred Heart Goals alive in a very real way in a totally different culture.  The butterflies made by the Taiwanese students were flown with me, back to Halifax where they were installed from the ceiling in the large bright area outside the SHSH Headmistress’s office just in time to welcome in spring. 

Lynda Shalagan, Art Teacher SHHS


Coach Casey's Debating Report

Coach Casey's Debating Report
May 5, 2013 

I am pleased to report that Rory and Mattea placed first and second at the British under 15 national debating competition.   The event, organized by the Oxford Union and the Cambridge Union, alternates between the two venues.
This year’s event was held at Cambridge where our girls defeated 78 other students (primarily from England, Scotland and Wales) in the “International Competition for Young Debaters.” They earned the right to represent Canada at the event by placing first at an earlier tournament held in Kingston.
In addition to their outstanding individual rankings, our girls participated in the final round against three very fine teams.  Due to her age, Mattea will be eligible to compete in next year’s ICYD at Oxford.

Rory and Mattea  competed last weekend at the Senior High Nationals, with Jake Marchand and Sebastian Young.
At that event, 48 teams from across Canada competed;  2 Nova Scotia teams broke to quarters with the team from CEC getting to the semi-finals and the team from Sacred Heart (Rory Flynn and Mattea Roach) getting to the quarter finals.  Only BC had more teams in the break.  The winner was a team from Saskatchewan.

In individual results, Rory Flynn was the top Nova Scotia debater in 5th place, followed by Brie Dukeshire and Sarah Millman of CEC.  Congratulations to them all.
Our junior high debaters (Rory Flynn, Anya Friesen and Catherine Burke) will head to Vancouver on Thursday to defend their national junior high debate title.
Good luck to our debaters!

Headmistress' Letter - May 3, 2013 ... Those Dreams You Dare to Dream, They Come True

Dear Colleagues and Families,

On Sunday morning (April 28), I wasn't sure how to thank God, so I went for a long jog along the water at the park, and late in the day I went to another of my "God places" - the driving range where I hit golf balls. I just had to do these things to give expression to the gratitude that was bursting forth from my heart in the wake of a wonderful Grandparents' Day on Friday, and a wildly successful Bursary Dinner/Auction on Saturday.

Last Sunday, one bursary committee member's email to the group provided an excellent summary: "I am overwhelmed - - with gratitude that I get to work with all of you, with humility that I live a life where I can make this choice for my children, and with renewed commitment to work as hard as I can so that other people's children will get to have what mine have. That was what Saturday was all about.

Our community is strong, and we are blessed!

As Headmistress, I have the privilege of witnessing life behind the scenes: candidate speeches for Student Council offices, kids playing out front on warm days (yesterday, I was able to toss a baseball with a couple of the older guys), an early morning clean-up response by Sr. Beverley and Mr. Donald when a child's shoe tracked in "you know what."  I treasure chance encounters with students on the stairs, or at their lockers or lunch tables.  I am a big fan of Ordinary Time ... and I was mistaken in thinking we would have a typical elementary school variety show experience.

Thursday in the Little Theatre, I realized again (and at a deep level), just how safe our school is for children. The Elementary Variety Show gave over 40 young students the opportunity to share emerging talents. I found the experience to be a stunning example of Goal #5: Sacred Heart educates to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. Nobody was required to participate, but all were invited to take a performance risk. Magic shows, piano pieces, hoola-hoops, original scores, gymnastics, singing and dancing - you name it and children shared it. Tears sprang forth as Leah Penny walked onto stage and without any accompaniment started singing "Somewhere over the rainbow..." 

These kids have guts! They are safe and free. Our world needs their courage and confidence, their inspiration.

During morning arrival today, one of the parents told me that after the Variety Show she made a commitment to stretch herself to learn something new - to muster inner strength and go beyond her fears. I wasn't the only one inspired by our children.

I am grateful for the courage of those who stepped forth to plan and orchestrate our first Grandparents' Day. And, when our bursary auction reached a new record in support of families who need financial assistance - well, I knew the song about the rainbow was right: dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.

Keep dreaming and stretching ...
... this comes with a very grateful heart,
Sr. Wachter


Dear SHES families,
We’re in the business of making opportunities for children to shine.  Tonight’s Variety Show is a prime example of personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.  Mrs. Chipman is leading a team of teachers who are orchestrating this age-appropriate, child-centered event.  Talents will be showcased, but more importantly, a variety of children will get up on stage in front of an audience and shine in a variety of ways.  Hence variety show, not talent show.  If you and your family are able, I hope you will come out and support our kids.  There is certain to be a great deal of personal growth tonight!
Variety Show Tonight!
Participants should be here at 6:30 p.m.  Audience members are asked to wait at reception until 6:45 p.m.  During the show, we ask that all audience members remain seated and that young children remain seated with a parent or guardian at all times. 
Preschool and Primary Orientation Day Tomorrow
Tomorrow is a special orientation day for preschool and primary students.  Our current junior primary students will be visiting with Mr. Kane and Mrs. Lord in the senior primary classrooms in the morning while next year’s incoming preschoolers visit with Mrs. Bennet, Mrs. Inkpen, and Ms. Stang in the junior primary.  Meanwhile, a special day with Ms. Gray and Ms. Smith is planned for our current primary students.  This is certain to be a very fun experience for all!
Grandparents Day
Thank you all for helping to make our first grandparents day such a lively experience. It was pretty amazing to see our whole school community come together, from age 4 to 99!  We have received a great deal of feedback, but if you have further thoughts to share, we’re all ears.
Gardening Club Plant Sale
On Monday, May 13th our Gardening Club will sell their wares at the College Street entrance from 3:15 until 4:30 p.m.  All proceeds will be donated to Mrs. Harper-Given’s Imagina Mission and will support 16-year-old Pheter Paul Malit.  Pheter Paul is a first year biology student, and future physician, studying at the University of Southeastern Phillipines in Davao City.  We have already supported this young man through our book sale earlier this year.  This is a concrete example of goal five, educating to a sense of social justice that compels to action action. 
Reading a few words from Pheter Paul himself will help to put this initiative in perspective.  “The main reason why I wanted to be a doctor is because I have seen a lot of poor Filipino families who can’t afford to bring their children in the clinic or hospital because they have no money.  These families are mostly malnourished because of lack of food and no proper sanitation.  I wanted to serve my own countrymen by visiting them in their own community, checking their health, giving them good advice, and if possible giving them free vitamins, free medicine, and free surgery.”  If you are curious to learn more, you can read his complete letter on our community news bulletin board.
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts…
 (William Shakespeare)
Looking forward,
Mr. Tugwell


Grade 10 Speaks with Dr. William Trischuk at CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland!

On April 18th, the Grade 10 class was given the opportunity to video chat with Dr. William Trischuk, Director of the Canadian Institute of Particle Physics on location at CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland. Dr. Trischuk has worked on the CERN for several years and was able to answer
many of our questions about the project. He taught us about the main aims of the project, plans for the future, and the basic physics behind subatomic particles and the Higgs Boson. He also gave us information on how to further get involved in the field of physics in high school and university. Talking with Dr. Trischuk was a very interesting and informative experience; the Grade 10s would like to thank Ms. Earley for
organizing this activity.

Laura Bullock and Rebecca Butler 10H

Preschool & Primary Visiting - May 3rd from 9:00-11:30. All welcome!

Preschool and Primary Visiting Morning at Sacred Heart School on Friday, May 3rd from 9-11:30am. Everyone welcome! For details on how to be included in this special day please contact Robyn Erickson, Admissions Director. rerickson@shsh.ca or 422-4459