
Alex Gillis Accepted to Propel's Accelerator Program!

Alex Gills, Grade 11 at Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart, has recently been accepted into the Propel's Accelerator program.

This will help him grow his business by making important connections with investors and mentors within the Atlantic region. 

He is mentioned in the article as being the youngest person to participate in it.  He is 16 now but he was 15 when he applied!   

"Propel has accepted its youngest participant so far. Alex Gillis, of Bitness is 15, younger than the previous record-holder, Raphael Paulin-Daigle, who went through the program at 16."

The application process consisted of a written application, followed by a short list of company's who had to travel to Moncton to be judged in person finally came the announcement of the final selection!

Congratulations, Alex!